Is microdosing safe?

Is microdosing safe?

Specifically LSD and psilocybin are generally considered to be safe, known for their low toxicity and low potential for addiction relative to other substances. Even in high doses, these substances are regarded as physiologically safe. Despite their widely-accepted safety profiles, it’s important to acknowledge that very high doses may pose significant psychological risks. It's also important to note that the majority of psychedelic research has been with “macrodoses,” and we don't yet have good data on the long-term effects of taking smaller quantities over time.

"In general, studies with LSD and Psilocybin have demonstrated that these substances are physiologically very safe if taken only occasionally. However, it remains unknown what effects frequent microdosing has on the human organism." — Torsten Passie, MD Author of The Science of Microdosing Psychedelics